Awakening Between The Lines

The mission of the Emprove Foundation is
to raise awareness about the earliest signs of
relationship violence, to change societal attitudes, and to support women and girls
who have experienced violence. This includes building a first-of-its-kind community of #WomenSurvivors (#ЖенитеSurvivors) – women who have successfully left abusive relationships, and who actively support other women on their journey towards change and a new life.

The exhibition “Awakening Between the Lines” combines literature and fine art. Following a creative writing course with British authors Dr Will Buckingham and Dr Hannah Stevens of Wind&Bones, the WomenSurvivors (#женитеSurvivors) created flash fiction micro-stories. In the first half of 2022, selected artists illustrated these micro-stories. All paintings were exhibited in “Awakening between the lines”. Viewers have the opportunity to “read between the lines”, to experience the emotional impact of these artworks, both literary and visual, and the unique sensibilities of their creators.

“The exhibition will have a very important effect on women surivors of violence – to be accepted not only in themselves, but also for what they have to offer – their stories!” Slavka Zidan, therapist.


The Challenge:
Shift the public narrative towards higher engagement with the topic of domestic violence and decrease tolerance to all forms of violence.

Target Groups/Clients:
All members of society and women survivors of domestic violence.

Giving a voice to women survivors, and finding new models for creative intervention.

– Creative writing course, specially developed for women survivors
– multidisciplinary artistic approach, combining literature and visual arts

This creative project has an importance that extends beyond individual therapeutic value and artistic value as well. It powerfully impacts broader public understanding and awareness of important issue like violence prevention.
