CIP Market Place

Your Gateway to Cultural Innopreneurship

We understand that the journey of a cultural innopreneur is not easy, especially when you are the only person in your organisation or community who wants to embark on the CIP journey. The CIP Marketplace is designed to empower you with the resources, connections, and support needed to successfully develop your own projects using the CIP approach. In the CIP Marketplace, you will find: 

  • Virtual Exhibition: Explore selected learning and cultural projects for ideas, inspiration, and collaboration.
  • CIP Expert Community: Connect with a network of experienced cultural innopreneurs for consultation, advice, and training.
  • CIP Mobility Learning Offers: Access learning opportunities developed by CIP partners that you can attend or request as tailored courses.
  • Cultural Innopreneurship Fund: Discover potential funding opportunities from Reveal Association, offering up to 5,000 EUR.
Virtual Exhibitions
CIP Expert Community
CIP Mobility Learning Offers

Cultural Innopreneurship Fund

The CIP partnership have solicit a “Cultural Innopreneurship Fund” in collaboration with the Reveal Association. The CIP Fund aims to help local projects implement their cultural innopreneurship initiatives.

Reveal, founded in 1980 and restructured in 2017, promotes informal learning and development across Europe. With the motto “…because learning happens everywhere!”, Reveal supports non-formal learning for personal, professional, and community development, grounded in humanistic values and holistic learning.

Since 2021, Reveal has supported local arts and culture projects that promote sustainable development aligned with the SDGs.

Steps to Apply:

  1. Align Your Project: Ensure your project supports non-formal learning and sustainable development.
  2. Prepare Your Proposal: Detail your project’s goals, methods, and expected outcomes. Proposal should not exceed 3 pages
  3. Quantify Funding Needs: Request funding between 200 to 5,000€, demonstrating how it will achieve your goals. Co-funding is provided at 75-90%.
  4. Submit Your Application: Contact Ms Law ( with your proposal and funding request.
  5. Evaluation: Reveal Association will review based on originality, sustainability, and professional quality.

Gain the support needed to realise your cultural innopreneurship projects and foster sustainable development through innovative learning initiatives.