Theatre and Improvisation Sessions for the Improvement of Client-Oriented Relations

- Summary
- Fact Sheet
- Curator Interview
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This learning project was created around the concepts of conflict and communication.
Knowing how to recognize the origins of conflicts and how to deal with them through a nonviolent and open-to-dialogue approach is a fundamental skill that can be leveraged in any kind of context of someone’s life, from the private to the working one.
The present project was aimed at equipping Smart Revolution staff with skills and knowledge about conflicts and resolutions combining theoretical knowledge with interactive methods as gamifications, self-assessments and role play/acting techniques.
During the learning experience learners became more confident with the concepts of conflicts, nonviolent communication and conflict styles and gained new skills related to teamworking, active listening, framing&reframing and interpreting body language.
The Challenge:
The main challenge of the learning project was to enable participants to recognize conflict situations and take actions upon them through a nonviolent and communicative approach.
Target Groups/Clients:
The target group directly involved in the pilot was the Smart Revolution staff, which counted 7 people. The experimented methods can be implemented in other companies, involving the entire staff, from managers to employees, as well as for adult education professionals from all areas of knowledge. In this case, the public of the indirect beneficiaries is extremely wide, since everyone can benefit from an environment where dialogue, communication and active listening dominate.
The pilot proposed methods as gamification, self-assessment, role play, and acting techniques combined with a more theoretical approach. These mixed methodologies allowed for a better engagement and a more focused attention of learners.
The truly innovative aspect experimented during the learning project was represented by the union of conflict management trainings with acting techniques.
Participants felt empowered in terms of skills and methods to manage conflictual situations within their working and personal environments.
To Know More:
Enrica Pautasso