CIP Exhibitions
Discover the world of cultural and arts education through our curated collection of 21 inspiring project examples. From innovative workshops to community-driven initiatives, explore the diverse range of projects that showcase the transformative power of arts and culture in education. Delve into each project to uncover unique approaches, creative methodologies, and impactful outcomes. Whether you’re an educator, artist, or enthusiast, our exhibition offers a wealth of inspiration and insights to ignite your passion for cultural learning.

Alternative Ways to Learn a Second Language
A project developed by an European team of educators, neuro experts and artists to help people with difficulties catching up with the formal language learning to learn in a new way

Promoting recreational activities through workshops in art, education, environment, recreation, and sports.

Developing multidisciplinary programs mixing arts and technology, hard and soft skills accompanied by entrepreneurial and business training.

Awakening Between The Lines
Inspiring a shift societal perceptions and break stigma around the topic of domestic violence and toxicity in the relationships using the power of art and reaching deeper levels of human’s consciousness.

Berlenga Learning Island
A learning project on sustainable tourism in marine protected areas, aiming to develop environmental awareness among tourists visiting the island.

Cassandra: socially engaged storytellers
Telling stories that matter personally on topics that matter globally.

Communication and Conflict Management
Knowing how to recognize the origins of conflicts and how to deal with them through a nonviolent and open-to-dialogue approach

Dorf Eigen Art
Transforming a village into an art exhibition. Dorft Eigne Art is an art exhibition that bridges a rural German village and contemporary art.

DT for social change
A blended learning course that provides both theoretical knowledge of the design thinking process as well as hands-on experiences in creating a solutions/product that will help solve societal problems.

Eco Path
A trail map and audio guides designed to show trailbalzer to see, discover and understand the history and heritage in the nature.